#388-383: Animals that are very happy now...

Request NumberAnimal nameSortSexStatusAnimal photoCountryAdditional informationPrice [EUR]SupplierCreatedLast modifiedNeutering date
476PepinadogfemaleStrayBULGARIAWe found this beautiful dog as very small dog, she was very thin and sick. Now she is big girl and we would like to use warm weather for start castrations of our “teen” dogs. Thank you in advance 🍀45Breed Love2025-01-27 20:55:092025-03-12 09:14:252025-03-11
475MetsadogfemaleStrayBULGARIAMetsa is street dog that lives at fabric lot.. she had puppies twice at year , so we organised her castration for can this stop.. Metsa is already neutered and back at place she knows as her home. Costs for her castration are still unpaid for this we hope that someone will help us to cover it. Thank you in advance ❤️45Breed Love2025-01-22 18:31:142025-03-05 13:03:452025-03-05
469ZoeycatfemaleStrayBULGARIAZoey was brought in foster care when she was merely 20 days old, together with her sisters and her mother who was severely injured. Zoey is now a big girl who needs neutering and with the worsening financial situation in Bulgaria it's hard to manage all needed for the foster cats. I would be very grateful for the help with the castrations of Zoey and her siblings!. Thank you in advance!40The cats of Dobrich2025-01-09 09:14:142025-03-04 22:25:442025/03/04
468DaisycatfemaleStrayBULGARIADaisy was brought in foster care when she was merely 20 days old, together with her sisters and her mother who was severely injured. Daisy is now a big girl who needs neutering and with the worsening financial situation in Bulgaria it's hard to manage all needed for the foster cats. I would be very grateful for the help with the castrations of Daisy and her siblings!. Thank you in advance!40The cats of Dobrich2025-01-09 09:11:522025-02-28 22:14:282025/02/28
464GabicatfemaleStrayBULGARIAGabi is one of our cats that we saved from street. She is great and we want prepare her to be adopted. Of course castration is important and we would be grateful for support.❤️45Breed Love2024-12-29 07:46:382025-02-21 15:06:152025-02-21